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Getting Started

This page will walk you through the basics of using filio.


filio is available on npm, so you can install it with your favorite package manager.

npm install filio
pnpm add filio
yarn add filio

Basic Usage

filio should work for most use cases out of the box. You use it by calling the main export with the name of your configuration file.

import filio from 'filio';

const config = filio('config'); // this will search the cwd for any configuration files named config.*

console.log(config); // { foo: 'bar' }
foo: bar

filio will search for configuration files in the current working directory, and will load the first one it finds. It will search for files in the following order:

  • *.ts
  • *.js
  • *.mjs
  • *.cjs
  • *.json
  • *.coffee
  • *.cson
  • *.yaml
  • *.yml

Sometimes the default options aren't enough. You can customize the search by passing an options object to the main export.

import type { FilioOptions } from 'filio';
import filio from 'filio';

const options: FilioOptions = {
  dir: 'config', // the directory to search under

  formats: ['json'], // tell filio to only search for json files

  template: {
    // tell filio to use a template for the config, 
    // this will also give you type hints later on
    foo: 'bar',

const config = filio("config", options); // has now found config/config.js
export default {
  foo: 'baz',

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